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Do you know the cost of slot machine downtime on your floor? During the normal course of slot operations, assets on the gaming floor will inevitably encounter failures or tilts of some type. These issues typically correspond to an underlying problem at the slot machine that ...
People often ask me for quick tips on how to increase the response rates of their campaigns. Before diving into the tips, let’s start with the rule to live by: always be testing! This is what you fundamentally need in order to answer any question or validate an assumption as a ...
Do you know how game speed impacts guests in your casino? Jordan Whitten breaks down how calculating game speed is an important part of providing guests with the right experience. “For us to truly understand game speed, I think also adds an element of truly understanding how a ...
Despite a rough start to the week and a somber tone that persisted throughout the event, the VizExplorer team put on a great showing at this year's G2E in Las Vegas.