VizExplorer Operational Intelligence Blog

Start With a Mini

Written by Team VizExplorer | July 16, 2015 at 7:18 PM

Discipline wasn’t my forte. I tried taking on big projects, only to fail due to their perceived enormous undertaking. So I started reading on how to become more disciplined in my life, and I stumbled upon a web-site called Within that site, I learned that rather than setting big goals and trying to establish grand habits towards achieving those goals, you need to start out small. Really small. Like mini small. And you know what? It worked! Mini habits became the norm, and grew to bigger and longer lasting habits. One led to two, two lead to three and quickly, my goals became attainable due to habit formation.

Now, segue to hostViz. You say you can’t log all those calls or close out all those tasks because you have too much other stuff to do? Start mini. Start out by doing a few tasks a day, and you will find it easier and easier to log more and more contacts. The satisfaction of accomplishing all the items on your task list will grow, it will become a greater habit with time and your monthly goals will become easily attainable.

Remember, mini is the big word for the day!

This is Janie Hart, Senior Industry Specialist with VizExplorer signing off until next time. Check out our suite of products at and make it a great and productive day!


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Janie Hart

Senior Industry Specialist
