In the field of Casino Marketing, database marketing is king. At the start of each new month in gaming, database marketers begin their marketing cycle. First, they pull customer data for their core mailers and spend days segmenting players and adding test and control measures to validate that they’re targeting the right audiences. Next, they prepare the files for their mailhouse and manually load the player management system with offers to be marketed to customers based on their current lifecycle. Finally, campaigns are executed, and soon the database marketers are analyzing their results and starting the cycle over again the following month.
Casino database marketers know their customer lifecycles well and typically have highly defined lifecycle programs with segments based on a customer’s average play during the last 3-6 months. However, using this approach tends to average out the player’s most current behavior. So while lifecycle marketing is a good plan in general, it doesn’t reward players for their most recent activity.
Some marketing teams recognize this and add supplemental mailers to capture player activity from the prior month. This corrective action can help to prompt visits from Incliners, Decliners, Lucky, Unlucky and High Frequency customers who have not visited the property in the last 30 days.
Yet the question remains: how do database marketers reward customers who just played 2-3 times their average in the current visit when their play level is too low to warrant hosting them? These are the players who are missed by the monthly mailer cycle, and who are most likely to not be rewarded for another month or two for that play. The most advanced marketing departments are trying to tackle this challenge by asking themselves how to reach these customers to reward them in real time?
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